If you know your opponent`s game,
you`ll always have the advantage

  • We have the specific knowledge of different industries and sectors, as well as a broad trajectory negotiating collective contracts.
  • Various negotiation styles that cater to the type of trade union or workers organization and the circumstances of each of the company´s collective agreements.


  • Assessment of negotiations.
  • Training and individual tutoring.
Permament consultancy in matters of collective labor

Permament consultancy in matters of collective labor

  • Periodic meetings with the union.
  • Management of socioeconomical surveys / climate.
  • Preventive conversations with representatives from government institutions.
  • Stakeholders mapping.
  • Improvements in the convention´s administration.
  • Protocol for strike management.
Negotiation services per se

Negotiation services per se

  • Planning and negotiation sessions.
  • Elaboration of agreements, manuals, policies, concepts and budgets.
Others services that complement the negotiation process

Others services that complement the negotiation process

  • Management of strikes and cessation.
  • Representation in arbitration courts.
  • Legal and administrative processes.

Services modalities

overall value per project

Overall value per project

Global value for each project (expressed in installments or global value with billing milestones).

hourly consultancy

Hourly consultancy