Andrés F. Chávez

Andrés F. Chávez

Associate - Colombia


  • Attorney from the Santo Tomás University.
  • Specializing in Labor Law at the Pontifical Javeriana University.

Work experience

  • Andrés Felipe has gained experience in both private and public sectors. In the public sector, he was part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs´ internal legal office, where he worked as an attorney on labor and administrative issues.In the private sector, he has worked with different law firms for over seven years, serving in areas such as consultancy, litigation and administrative processes.
  • At Godoy Córdoba Attorneys he has been a member of the labor consulting unit, serving as an in-house attorney for a telecommunications company with over 24,000 employees, tending to services of labor consultancy, training, support for personnel administration, payroll, litigation, tutelage, and processes before the Labor Ministry.
  • Currently he is part of litigation unit.