- Business administrator graduated at Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá.
Work experience
- Managing Partner of the Firm, Director of Migratory Law practice and the Training services department.After working for Accenture as a financial consultant, in 2003 Andrés started his career in the legal industry assuming managerial roles in Godoy Cordoba. Since then, and for the last fourteen years, he has devoted to the planning, leadership and execution of all growth and positioning strategies of Godoy Córdoba, achieving for seven consecutive years annual growth rates in excess of 22% and positioning the Firm as the No. 1 firm in Colombia in his practice areas.
His entrepreneurial and interdisciplinary vision has not only nourished the integral development of the Firm but also the innovation processes in services such as the labor audit, and the due diligence, among others.
As a result of his experience, Andrés has also performed as independent consultant in management and financial matters for firms that specialize in tax, exchange, corporate and intellectual property law.
- He is a member of National Association of Colombian Entrepreneurs (ANDI, for its Spanish initials) through its Chamber of Legal Affairs, within which he represents the Firm.