We took step forward for the industry and our clients

We took step forward for the industry and our clients
Friday, January 10, 2020

ARCO is a technological tool that offers an agile, simple, amicable, and attractive understanding of the entire audit process, in order determine if the contractors of our projects actually comply, or not, with their legal obligations. The development of this solution aims to provide you with a management tool for your organization´s process audits and decision-making processes.

Why is ARCO a necessary tool for organizations that need to manage their relations with contractors and third parties?

Because it´s the fastest, most secure, and immediate way to obtain information of what is going on, in real time, and thus be able to monitor and control how the contractors we work with are doing. It is also a tool that looks ahead to possible lawsuits, blockages, and reputational affectations. With ARCO, you will be able manage, administer, and minimize risk in a more efficient manner.

Arco – Identify, manage and minimize risk from Godoy Córdoba on Vimeo.